Plugin of the Week: No Format Shortcode
This week's plugin is clearly biased considering it's our own. We had a flexible solution to a common problem with formatting in WordPress, and so we shared it with others.
- wordpress
- plugins
9 Reasons to Choose a Static Site over WordPress
WordPress is often the default choice by many. But it would do them some good to enumerate just why exactly they're choosing WordPress over a simpler static website.
- wordpress
- dev
Plugin of the Week: WP Notification Center
Our WordPress plugin of the week is: WP Notification Center. We're sick of the messy notifications WordPress has yet to get a handle on.
- wordpress
- plugins
Single Page Applications VS Conventional
Single page applications are certainly trendy, but do they solve your problem? Here are some things to consider.
- dev
Kicking Off a More Vocal Chapter
Up until now, our website has acted (and even resembled) more of a business card than a website. That's about to change. We want to keep you up to date with what we're doing.
- news

Thai Massage Toronto
Thai Massage Toronto is a leader in bringing and popularizing Thai Massage to Canada. I rebuilt their WooCommerce website in exchange for my Thai Massage certification.
- design
- wordpress
- portfolio