Tailwind for WordPress
Tailwind CSS is the perfect companion to WordPress block development. However it''s been a struggle to integrate Tailwind for WordPress. Until now!
- wordpress
- tailwind
- css
- frontend
- plugins

A WordPress plugin that adds seamless Tailwind CSS support to WordPress.
- project
- wordpress
- plugin
- open-source
Plugin of the Week: No Format Shortcode
This week's plugin is clearly biased considering it's our own. We had a flexible solution to a common problem with formatting in WordPress, and so we shared it with others.
- wordpress
- plugins
9 Reasons to Choose a Static Site over WordPress
WordPress is often the default choice by many. But it would do them some good to enumerate just why exactly they're choosing WordPress over a simpler static website.
- wordpress
- dev
Plugin of the Week: WP Notification Center
Our WordPress plugin of the week is: WP Notification Center. We're sick of the messy notifications WordPress has yet to get a handle on.
- wordpress
- plugins

Valhala Farms
Valhalla Farms is a eco-coop farm I helped found. I built their WordPress website to help promote and organize the farm.
- charity
- design
- wordpress
- portfolio

Epicentre Training
Epicentre was where I first started training the Highland Games. I rebuilt their website in exchange for a membership. Best deal ever.
- design
- wordpress
- portfolio